Welcome to my website, a home for project updates.

Web Scraping GPU Information with Rvest

In this project, I use R and its library Rvest to scrape Newegg for information about GPUs including price, rating, and model specs. The main emphasis of this project is Web Scraping, Data Cleaning, and Exploratory Data Analysis.

#tidytuesday: TV's Golden Age

In this mini-project, I explore my first data set for the TidyTuesday Project. The purpose of these are for experience with EDA using R for my Undergrad Research Program. This weeks data covers TV dramas from 1990 to 2018, and will help us answer the question: "Is the Golden Age of TV real?".

2021 Summer Undergraduate Research Goals

A brief overview of what I hope to accomplish during my 10 week research internship with the CHC (Center for Healthy Communities). This includes Personal, Academic, and Research Development skills that I aim to learn throughout this experience and how to carry them forward into higher education.

Brain Tumor Detection using SageMaker & TensorFlow

In this project I use TensorFlow and Amazon SageMaker to build, train, and deploy a deep learning model that can accurately classify MRI scans of 4 different types of brain tumors.

Stroke Prediction: Battle of the Learning Methods

In this project I compare the performance of Statistical and Machine Learning models for predicting whether or not a patient will have a stroke on a data set that has a large class imbalance.

Global Food Production vs. Population: Predicting the Future

In this project I create a Polynomial Regression Model to estimate the necessary global food production to support a given population size. The main goal is estimating the 2050 production necessary to support our population, as this is the year eastimated to approach 10 billion people on Earth.